Midterm Meeting

everything about the MtM. Organisational stuff, content based discussions etc.
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES Thank you! — Dear TRACERs, thank you all who have been there in Berlin and thank you all who have helped to prepare and actually hold this meeting. It has been dense five days, with lots of work having been done, but also lots of networking and valuable discussions while and in between. And it was so great t...
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES General Assembly — Dear all, for the general assembly in a weeks time I propose following agenda (keeping in mind our limited time on Friday): 1. Opening of GA / Welcome 2. Confirmation of quorum 3. Approval of the agenda 4. Information on the interim payment 5. IPR issues 6. Any other business Please contact me ... 1
Marion Hamm, WP4 member at TRACES Additional guest at TRACES MTM — Hello everybody,  we've invited Diethart Keppler as an additional guest at the TRACES MTM. He will participate in the workshop 5 session (overall TRACES publication)  on Wednesday afternoon. An experienced designer, he is a candidate to join the team for the overall TRACES publication.  Besides o...
Melanie Proksch, WP4 member at TRACES Workshop 5 - Overall TRACES Publication — Dear all, please find the blurb for workshop 5 (overall TRACES publication, wed. 3pm) in MTM Basecamp -> docs and files -> blurbs.  Here's the link: https://3.basecamp.com/3355652/buckets/4044598/uploads/684606598/download/MTM_Workshop%205_OverallTRACES%20Publication_WP4.docx Best, WP4
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES Working groups at the Midterm — Dear all, we have created sort of a central document with basic information and links to related documents for the working groups at the midterm. It also includes the possibility to assign to special working groups, if the WS-leaders have already filled in the info. You can find it here: https:...
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES Dossiers — Big thanks to all who already have put their dossiers online like WP1, CCP2 and CCP5. In order that everybody will be able to prepare his/her/their contribution to the Midterm Meeting properly I would ask everybody else to upload their dossiers as soon as possible, but within this week at the la...
Jacopo Leveratto, WP6 research associate at Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies TRACES+CoHERE Joint Conference_Organization — Dear TRACErS, Hope this finds you well. This is just a reminder about some issues related to TRACES+CoHERE joint conference: -          If you want to invite some external guests, please make sure that their attendance is registered via Eventbrite (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/critical-heritages-... 6
Tal Adler, WP1, WP5 member, CCP4 team member at TRACES Reflexive Europeanization – questions for CCPs — Dear all, Regina has composed a paper with perceptive, analytical questions to each CCP, inspiring and urging us to think of our work from the perspective of the concept of 'Reflexive Europeanization'. This is in preparation to her workshop in collaboration with WP4 (Tuesday 17:40-18:40). I attac... 2
Tal Adler, WP1, WP5 member, CCP4 team member at TRACES CCPs presentations in relation to workshops — Dear all, On Monday 25th September, from 13:00 to 19:00, the five CCPs will hold 30-40 minutes talks, one after the other. These talks are not defined as general project presentations or overview, nor are  intended for an introduction to the topics of the CCPs' work. Instead, these talks are supp... 5
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES Agenda(s) and venue — Dear all, the Agendas are now online 1. internal Meeting venue:  CARMAH - Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Mohrenstraße 40/41 10117 Berlin 2. shared agenda A rough overview of what is planned these days from us and our sister projec... 1
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES Midterm preparations — Dear all, with giving green light to the agenda of the Midterm at last weeks steering committee (here are the minutes) we are finally able to start with more accurate preparations. 1. For the content please see the message thread below this one and the to do list. 2. For organisational matters• P... 2
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES Time table for MtM preparation — NOW ONE blurb on the workshop = Keywords that the workshop will refer to PLUS a few questions, topic and themes that CCPs should refer to in their presentations so that the presentation will help the discussions of the workshop: CCP presentations are prepared to already raise questions that t...
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES Hotel suggestions — Dear all, here are some Hotel suggestions for the Midterm Meeting in Berlin (all three of them along the subway U2) Hotel Titanic Comfort Mitte  Elisabeth-Mara-Str. 4 10117 Berlin Germany  Tel: +49 30 7677 187-0  Fax: +49 30 7677 187-25  E-mail: comfortmitte@titanic-hotels.de  Reservation  T... 1
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES Mid Term Meeting - draft Agenda — Dear all, I have now uploaded the latest version of our agenda for our Mid Term Meeting: https://3.basecamp.com/3355652/buckets/777928/uploads/552552709 . Please feel free to have a look at it and comment it until next Thursday (22 June 2017), because we want to have a decision on it on Friday,... 4
Francesca Lanz, WP6 member at TRACES TRACES-CoHERE Joint Conference — Dear all, the final programme for the CoHERE-TRACES joint conference is now ready. The joint CoHERE-TRACES conference will take placein Berlin on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th September, the programme is attached, and exact details of the schedule will be available in due course. Please follow... 6