Midterm Meeting

everything about the MtM. Organisational stuff, content based discussions etc.

Midterm preparations

Dear all,
with giving green light to the agenda of the Midterm at last weeks steering committee (here are the minutes) we are finally able to start with more accurate preparations.

  1. For the content
    please see the message thread below this one and the to do list.

  2. For organisational matters
Could you please fill in both as soon as possible, especially the one about the presence?
Thank you!


Comments & Events

Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES
Brief reminder and overview over the Midterm preparations

Please remember to fill in also the presence list and the list for materials needed for our internal meeting (the other one was for the public day(s) ).

I have put the deadlines on the schedule, please keep them in mind.

For the dossiers and the field material I add here the info from the minutes of the last SC:

For the preparation we should have 10 dossiers (5 from CCPs and 5 from Wps) including existing public documents, existing internal documents such as the reports of the ethnographers, overview of the presentations)

field material (such as selection of sequences of observation protocols, interviews, visual field research material, …; has to be there for the mtm (not before)

all the best,
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES

please remember to fill in your needs in terms of material for the presentations and workshops like flip-charts etc, so that we are able to organise them in time and have them ready in the rooms where they are needed. 

Also whether a beamer is needed or not -> concerning the work shops.

Here is the link once more:

Best wishes,