Midterm Meeting

everything about the MtM. Organisational stuff, content based discussions etc.

CCPs presentations in relation to workshops

Dear all,
On Monday 25th September, from 13:00 to 19:00, the five CCPs will hold 30-40 minutes talks, one after the other. These talks are not defined as general project presentations or overview, nor are  intended for an introduction to the topics of the CCPs' work. Instead, these talks are supposed to present your current status, "current issues, open questions and first steps towards cross-over concepts" (20170714_TRACES_MtM-detailed programme.pdf  –  this document is in the 'docs and files' section in this basecamp). 
The CCPs talks are intended to echo in the next days workshops and fuel their discussions and results. 
In order to help the CCPs prepare their talks, the workshop leaders were asked to upload a blurb of their workshop and a set of keywords to which the CCPs talks should refer. Today the last workshop 'blurb' was uploaded and I ask you all to go over the four documents (workshops 1-4).
I tried to extract keywords from these texts (which turned out much longer than blurbs in most cases...) and I post them here. However, it's important that you read the workshops descriptions and keywords explanations in order to prepare meaningful and productive talks:

Workshop 1, WP1, Tuesday 10:30 - 12:30:
Keywords (please read the workshop description for elaboration on the keywords):
1. Accessibility
2. Regimes of Representation
3. Collaboration
4. Visualisation of research data
5. Politics / Ethics
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Workshop 2, WP3+WP5, Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00:
* (No keywords provided, please read the workshop description)
* call for contributions until latest 28.8:
“…submit the documentation of an encounter in which a museum collection or object became difficult…”
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Workshop 3, WP4+WP5, Tuesday 17:40 - 18:40:
* (No keywords provided, please read the workshop description)
* call for contributions until latest 15.9:
“…CCPs upload short reflexive material (images and/ or text, see below) from fieldwork until the second week of September…”
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Workshop 4, WP4, Wednesday 10:00 - 12:30:
Keywords (please read the workshop description for elaboration on the keywords):
1. Reflecting the research process (situations, emotions, irritations)
2. 1. Best practice advice’ as Peer-to-Peer Conversation
3. Contentious Heritage
4. 1. Creative Co-Production

Dear CCPs teams: please contact the workshop leaders directly for any questions regarding the workshop and the way you should refer to its keywords in your talks.

The WPs and CCPs are asked to upload some materials to folders in this basecamp. The deadline for this is September 8th. You will find a specific folder with your CCP or WP name on it, here
Please upload relevant materials you would like to be used for the workshops or would like people to read before your talks, including "...existing public documents, existing internal documents such as the reports of the ethnographers,  overview of the presentations... field material (such as selection of sequences of observation protocols, interviews, visual field research material..."

Looking forward,
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES 👏
Alenka Pirman, CCP3 member at TRACES 👏
Julie Dawson, CCP1 team member at TRACES 👏
Francesca Lanz, WP6 member at TRACES 👏
Karin Schneider, WP3 member at TRACES 👏

Comments & Events

Alenka Pirman, CCP3 member at TRACES
Thank you, Tal, this overview is very helpful, indeed!
Roma Sendyka, CCP2 member at TRACES
Tal, thanks a lot, this is most instructive, much needed, appreciated!

2017-08-21 15:23 GMT+02:00 Tal Adler (Basecamp) <notifications@3.basecamp.com (mailto:notifications@3.basecamp.com)>:

Dear all,
On Monday 25th September, from 13:00 to 19:00, the five CCPs will hold 30-40 minutes talks, one after the other. These talks are not defined as general project presentations or overview, nor are  intended for an introduction to the topics of the CCPs' work. Instead, these talks are supposed to present your current status, "current issues, open questions and first steps towards cross-over concepts" (20170714_TRACES_MtM-detailed programme.pdf  –  this document is in the 'docs and files' section in this basecamp). 
The CCPs talks are intended to echo in the next days workshops and fuel their discussions and results. 
In order to help the CCPs prepare their talks, the workshop leaders were asked to upload a blurb of their workshop and a set of keywords to which the CCPs talks should refer. Today the last workshop 'blurb' was uploaded and I ask you all to go over the four documents (workshops 1-4).
I tried to extract keywords from these texts (which turned out much longer than blurbs in most cases...) and I post them here. However, it's important that you read the workshops descriptions and keywords explanations in order to prepare meaningful and productive talks:

Workshop 1, WP1, Tuesday 10:30 - 12:30:
Keywords (please read the workshop description for elaboration on the keywords):
1. Accessibility
2. Regimes of Representation
3. Collaboration
4. Visualisation of research data
5. Politics / Ethics
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Workshop 2, WP3+WP5, Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00:
* (No keywords provided, please read the workshop description)
* call for contributions until latest 28.8:
“…submit the documentation of an encounter in which a museum collection or object became difficult…”
- -
Workshop 3, WP4+WP5, Tuesday 17:40 - 18:40:
* (No keywords provided, please read the workshop description)
* call for contributions until latest 15.9:
“…CCPs upload short reflexive material (images and/ or text, see below) from fieldwork until the second week of September…”
- -
Workshop 4, WP4, Wednesday 10:00 - 12:30:
Keywords (please read the workshop description for elaboration on the keywords):
1. Reflecting the research process (situations, emotions, irritations)
2. 1. Best practice advice’ as Peer-to-Peer Conversation
3. Contentious Heritage
4. 1. Creative Co-Production

Dear CCPs teams: please contact the workshop leaders directly for any questions regarding the workshop and the way you should refer to its keywords in your talks.

The WPs and CCPs are asked to upload some materials to folders in this basecamp. The deadline for this is September 8th. You will find a specific folder with your CCP or WP name on it, here (https://3.basecamp.com/3355652/buckets/4044598/vaults/593388385). 
Please upload relevant materials you would like to be used for the workshops or would like people to read before your talks, including "...existing public documents, existing internal documents such as the reports of the ethnographers,  overview of the presentations... field material (such as selection of sequences of observation protocols, interviews, visual field research material..."

Looking forward,
You can reply to this email or respond in Basecamp (https://3.basecamp.com/3355652/buckets/4044598/messages/643232195). This message was sent to Aisling O'Beirn, Alenka Pirman, Alexandra Toma, Anna Szoeke, Arnd Schneider, Blaž Bajič, Cristina F. Colombo, Erica Lehrer, Francesca Lanz, Gisela Hagmair, Ingrid Jensen Straume, Jacopo Leveratto, Jani Pirnat, Joachim Cotaru, Joan Smith, John Harries, Julie Dawson, Karin Schneider, Katherine Walker, Kaśka Maniak, Klaus Schönberger, Laura McAtackney, Leone Contini, Linda Fibiger, Luca Basso Peressut, m, Magdalena Zych, Magnus Godvik Ekeland, Maria Teschler-Nicola, Marion Hamm, Martin Krenn, Melanie Proksch, Michela Bassanelli, Nora Landkammer, razvan anton, Regina Römhild, Roma Sendyka, Sharon Macdonald, Suzana Milevska, Tal Adler, and Wojtek Wilczyk. Unsubscribe (https://3.basecamp.com/3355652/buckets/4044598/recordings/643232195/unsubscribe/BAh7CEkiCGdpZAY6BkVUSSIaZ2lkOi8vYmMzL1VzZXIvOTYzOTk5BjsAVEkiDHB1cnBvc2UGOwBUSSIMZGVmYXVsdAY7AFRJIg9leHBpcmVzX2F0BjsAVEkiHTIwMTctMDktMjFUMTM6MjM6MDguNDkzWgY7AFQ=--7402d2f7f520ec4d221dccbc71a3a06cf984fcc8) • Change your notification settings (https://3.basecamp.com/3355652/my/notifications/settings) Get the Basecamp app for iPhone or Android!
Julie Dawson, CCP1 team member at TRACES 👏
Alenka Pirman, CCP3 member at TRACES
Dear leaders of the four workshops that are taking place in Berlin. At CCP3 we are trying our best to orientate and prepare for them. We understand that each workshop will be structured in its own way and that the CCPs input is foreseen in different formats. 
We we would very much appreciate the following:

Please, list in one place (in this thread?) the formats and duration of the individual CCPs presentations (inputs). Is it a ppt or just a spoken word, is it something else? How long should it be and similar. 

Also: what is the relation between the uploaded material in the dossiers and the actual participants at the workshops?

Thank you in advance!
Linda Fibiger, CCP4 team member at TRACES 👏
Karin Schneider, WP3 member at TRACES
Dear Alenka and all,

thanks for the hint that these things are not clear (no surprise it is still quite confusing with this specific formats etc). Gisi and I (with the help of Tal and all the workshopleaders) will do our very best to put all the requests together and send out one sheet of information - a very good idea.

As this will take us till the end of the week in-between please have a look at the MtM folder where you find all the informations and requests of the workshop.

BUT I already use this thread to explain the general structure of the internal MtM regarding the CCP presentations and workshops:

CCP presentation (powerpoint) Monday
every CCP presents and than we have 10-15 minutes for comments and questions. The presentations as Tal already said should focus on open questions or issues and they should not be simple project presentation as we know the projects anyway and want to go deeper. Some of these questions might be as well addressed in the workshops during the next days in a more specific and thorough way. Hence some of the workshop leader sent some keywords and topics to be addressed in the CCP presentations (Tal informed you all on this). If we manage well we create a good connection between the  CCP presentations on Monday and the deeper workshop discussions.

On the workshops
Every workshop addresses another research focus to connect different CCP and WP research activities. Every workshop is organized and designed by different WP researchers (see draft agenda). So the workshops work differently from each other and only the ones who are responsible for a workshop can tell what kind of contribution by the CCPs and the other researcher are requested: Please have a look for now in the MtM preparation files as most of the workshopleaders wrote already what kind of material/preparation is needed for the workshop.

So in most of the workshops we wont have ppt presentations but material we discuss (eg one paragraph of an interview transcription or a memo from a discussion) like in WP3/5 or WP4/2 workshop. Or for the workshop on reflexive Europeanisation Regina prepared some questions  that she asked the CCPs to address as a preparation for this workshop  (WP5/WP4 workshop, Tuesday evening).

Anyway every workshop will be based on small working groups. After the workshop there will be plenary sessions where the working groups will present their theses and findings and open issues. There will be someone who will write minutes at these sessions and the workshop leaders are responsible to bring the ideas, theses and discussions point together.

The workshops should also provide space to discuss issues that popped up in the work of the CCPs.

The uploaded material "dossier"
we had the idea to contribute this material for MtM preperation so that everyone is already well informed about the working status and some of the main research foci of every WP and CCP.

The material needed for the workshops can overlap with these dossiers but it might be more specific and shorter (see the blurbs of every workshop).

I hope this is in a way useful for now but as I said we will try to write everything in one page and send it to you. 

Thanks for all your work! Karin
Marion Hamm, WP4 member at TRACES
About workshop 3 - Reflexive Europeanisation: 
Reflexive Europeanization is a way of challenging the European narrative from a postcolonial perspective. It takes into account global power relations. Here are some keywords taken from Regina's paper: 
Decentering Europe. 
Below and beyond national scale. 
Margins and the mobile. 
Multi-polar mobilities. 
Deterritorialized forms of coloniality. 
Othering and Un-othering. 
Entangled Histories. 
Challenging teleological idea. 
Multi-directional memory.