Midterm Meeting

everything about the MtM. Organisational stuff, content based discussions etc.

Time table for MtM preparation


ONE blurb on the workshop

= Keywords that the workshop will refer to PLUS a few questions, topic and themes that CCPs should refer to in their presentations so that the presentation will help the discussions of the workshop: CCP presentations are prepared to already raise questions that they will be discussed/followed up in context of the workshops.

=> DEADLINE: 7 of July

First week of September
  • Communication between CCPs and people who are responsible for a workshop. The people who are responsible for a workshop should develop together with the CCPs their focus of presentation and the focus of the workshop: What are the questions/issues that the CCPs are interested in to discuss in the workshop? Decide together: What kind field material should be discussed: unpublished, rough material, visualising and explaining the process
  • Developing further the dossier with the relevant text to read for preparation from all WPs and CCPs

2nd week of September 
  • Dossier on relevant text= ready! 
  • Overview of presentations = ready 
  • Collection of field material = ready
PS: for more Information please have a look at the minutes of the steering committee which took place last Friday and which should be available for everybody by tomorrow.
Karin Schneider, WP3 member at TRACES 👏