Midterm Meeting

everything about the MtM. Organisational stuff, content based discussions etc.


Big thanks to all who already have put their dossiers online like WP1, CCP2 and CCP5.

In order that everybody will be able to prepare his/her/their contribution to the Midterm Meeting properly I would ask everybody else to upload their dossiers as soon as possible, but within this week at the latest.

Here is what we have agreed upon before the summer holidays:

First week of September
  • Communication between CCPs and people who are responsible for a workshop. The people who are responsible for a workshop should develop together with the CCPs their focus of presentation and the focus of the workshop: What are the questions/issues that the CCPs are interested in to discuss in the workshop? Decide together: What kind field material should be discussed: unpublished, rough material, visualising and explaining the process
  • Developing further the dossier with the relevant texts to read/material to look at for preparation from all WPs and CCPs

2nd week of September 
  • Dossier on relevant text= ready! 
  • Overview of presentations = ready 
  • Collection of field material = ready
Thank you!