Midterm Meeting

everything about the MtM. Organisational stuff, content based discussions etc.

Agenda(s) and venue

Dear all,

the Agendas are now online
  1. internal Meeting
    CARMAH - Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage
    Institut für Europäische Ethnologie,
    Mohrenstraße 40/41
    10117 Berlin
  2. shared agenda
    A rough overview of what is planned these days from us and our sister projects including comments which events are open for partners from the other projects. Includes the respective venues.
  3. public day
    Berlin Wall Memorial
    Bernauer Str. 119 (corner with Gartenstrasse)
    13355 Berlin
Thank you Francesca for doing the formatting and adding the missing info!

Francesca Lanz, WP6 member at TRACES 👏

Comments & Events

Francesca Lanz, WP6 member at TRACES
I remind you that your attendance to the public day is registered on this google doc:
1 means "attending" - 0 means "non attending"


Due to the limited availability of seats I would kindly remind you to keep the spreadsheet updated, especially for what concerns your guests. Registration must be completed with a valid email adrress that will be used for any communication related with the conference.
At the moment only names highlithed in blue are registered as guests at the conferece.
Within the end of the week we will freeze the google doc.

I also remind you that registration to the conference are now open to the public on eventbrite: