Midterm Meeting

everything about the MtM. Organisational stuff, content based discussions etc.

Reflexive Europeanization – questions for CCPs

Dear all,
Regina has composed a paper with perceptive, analytical questions to each CCP, inspiring and urging us to think of our work from the perspective of the concept of 'Reflexive Europeanization'. This is in preparation to her workshop in collaboration with WP4 (Tuesday 17:40-18:40). I attach this document here (and I also place a copy in the WP5 dossier in this basecamp).
As Regina writes, "It would be great to start the discussion on the following ideas already before the mid-term workshop – in order to have some refined material to work with during the conference".

Please use this message thread to discuss these ideas in the month before the MtM.

Thank you Regina Römhild, WP5 member at TRACES Regina for this concise introduction to the term and for the individual attention to each project! Looking forward to inspiring discussions.

Alenka Pirman, CCP3 member at TRACES 👏

Comments & Events

Klaus Schönberger, TRACES coordinator, WP7, WP4 member at TRACES
Thanks a lot, Klaus
Francesca Lanz, WP6 member at TRACES
THANK YOU REGINA this very interesting.