Midterm Meeting

everything about the MtM. Organisational stuff, content based discussions etc.

Additional guest at TRACES MTM

Hello everybody, 
we've invited Diethart Keppler as an additional guest at the TRACES MTM. He will participate in the workshop 5 session (overall TRACES publication)  on Wednesday afternoon. An experienced designer, he is a candidate to join the team for the overall TRACES publication.  Besides other things, he has designed innovative and dialogical book formats. One of his most recent projects is an exhibition on national socialism in the German city of Freiburg, another example for the transmission of contentious cultural heritage (see https://www.freiburg.de/pb/,Len/922950.html). We would like to take the MTM as an opportunity for mutual getting-to-know-each other, to check out if working together is a viable option. 