Midterm Meeting

everything about the MtM. Organisational stuff, content based discussions etc.

TRACES-CoHERE Joint Conference

Dear all,
the final programme for the CoHERE-TRACES joint conference is now ready.
The joint CoHERE-TRACES conference will take placein Berlin on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th September, the programme is attached, and exact details of the schedule will be available in due course.

Please follow this link to a spreadsheet on Googledocs in order to register for the conference by Monday 26th June : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nOsAtv3ceAwcBmUuo_SB1_k6UOyWawWYhjbEZgb9Iig/edit?ts=5936c3c4#gid=0
Please confirm your registration or to indicate that you will not be attending. If you believe anyone is missing from this list, please let me know by email so that I can send the information to them.  Please check if your details are listed correctly (name, email address, participating on day 1, participating on day 2) and either add or correct your detailsas needed. Please ensure that you indicate whether your attendance will be on one or both days so that we can order the correct amount of food.
If you previously planned to attend, but can no longer do so, please amend your details in the spreadsheet so that they are up to date.

Please include also details of guests you would like to involve in the conference.
However please note that due to the very limited sits aivalability guests selections should be carefully done.
Please include their names in the list and consider that on June 27th we will open the event for external subscription.

I'd like to thanks all those who contributed to the design of the event, and I am at your disposal for any query you might have

Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES 👏
Cristina F. Colombo, WP6 member at TRACES 👏

Comments & Events

Erica Lehrer, CCP2 member at TRACES
Dear Gisela,

Unfortunately I won't know whether I can attend or not until somewhat closer to the event. I will let you know as soon as I can.

Suzana Milevska, WP1 member at TRACES
Dear Gisi, I just confirmed my attendance of the public day(s). I am sorry for my silence during the SC - my travel back from Canada took longer than expected due to a delayed flight so I was still in the plane on my way back to Skopje (it took 4 flights) during the meeting. Anyway, please note that I'll attend the whole week in Berlin anyway (I already booked my flight and hotel). Best, Suzana
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES
Thank you both for your infos! 
Aisling O'Beirn, CCP5 member at TRACES
Hi Gisi I should be able to do all week arriving Mon mid day, leaving Fri night if I can get the right  flights thanks A 
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES 👏
Francesca Lanz, WP6 member at TRACES
Dear all
please include in the lists of attendance also those giests you'd like to invite at the conference with affiliation, who is inviting them and why, and details about their presence to both days (1 if attending 0 if not attending). Please note that there will be limited sits, so please be sure that your gusts will really attend the conference since their sists will be reserved.
We now slightly modified the document for the registration by creating a separate sheet per each participant list (TRACES, COHERE, UNREST, GUESTS). You can add your data there and their will be saved once you'll close the webpage.

