Midterm Meeting

everything about the MtM. Organisational stuff, content based discussions etc.

Prepare the dossier for CCP3

Due on
Assigned to
Jani Pirnat, CCP3 member at TRACES Jani P. Alenka Pirman, CCP3 member at TRACES Alenka P.

Comments & Events

Alenka Pirman, CCP3 member at TRACES
hi, gisi, thank you for this reminder. please, let us know what is the required format / structure / location for upload. please, excuse me - i am back from holidays, trying to work out the abundance of messages. i guess this has been posted somewhere but i'd appreciate your help. 
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES
Hi Alenka, 

There is a message thread for the preparations for the midterm. From there I took this:
For the dossiers and the field material I add here the info from the minutes of the last SC:

For the preparation we should have 10 dossiers (5 from CCPs and 5 from Wps) including existing public documents, existing internal documents such as the reports of the ethnographers, overview of the presentations)

field material (such as selection of sequences of observation protocols, interviews, visual field research material, …; has to be there for the mtm (not before)

and I created an own folder within this group for the dossiers to have them collected ;)
Best (from my holidays and on the jump to travel abroad ;) ),
Alenka Pirman, CCP3 member at TRACES 👏
Alenka Pirman, CCP3 member at TRACES
Alenka Pirman completed this to-do.