Midterm Meeting

everything about the MtM. Organisational stuff, content based discussions etc.

Content preparations for the Midterm

Comments & Events

Nora Landkammer, WP3 member at TRACES
Our draft for the workshop is still in consultation with some of the co-organizing members, we will be able to upload it by tuesday! Sorry for the delay. Best, Nora
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES
Thank you Nora and also Suzana for the info on the delay. I hope nevertheless that we will be able to have all the blurbs as soon as possible and by the end of the week at the latest!
Tal Adler, WP1, WP5 member, CCP4 team member at TRACES
Dear Gisi, here is our blurb and keywords. please lt me know if you want us to place it somewhere else on BC. For now, I attach it here. Best, tal

Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES 👏
Karin Schneider, WP3 member at TRACES 👏
Marion Hamm, WP4 member at TRACES
Hello Gisi, 
Arnd and I are working on the concept for workshop 4, and will send the blurb in the next few days.
best, Marion             
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES 👏
Karin Schneider, WP3 member at TRACES 👏
Karin Schneider, WP3 member at TRACES
Hi all, I think we said that it would be useful to also include in the blurbs these questions /focus points we want the CCPs to address in their presentation, right? I think it would be good to do that as than we might really manage to connect the CCP presentations with the workshops. 

Thanks, Ka
Tal Adler, WP1, WP5 member, CCP4 team member at TRACES
Hi Karin, yes that's what we agreed. In the blurb that Suzana and I sent the 5 keywords / topics that we want the CCPs to consider are clearly marked. 
Marion Hamm, WP4 member at TRACES
Hi all,
I've uploaded the blurb for MTM workshop 4  Making sense of field materials in "docs and files" of this project. We have included aspects for the CCPs to consider when preparing the MTM presentations. We are very interested in reflections and irritations relating to "contentious heritage" and "creative co-production" which have come up in the research process so far. The workshop will be an opportunity to expand on issues that can only be touched upon during a short presentation. It is also embedded in the production process of contributions for the WP2 and WP4 publications. It's nice how everything seems to come together!