Midterm Meeting

everything about the MtM. Organisational stuff, content based discussions etc.
Document Sculptor Viktor Gojkovič in his atelier .jpg
Document CCP3 team visiting Viktor Gojkovič in his atelier in Ptuj.JPG
Document Death mask of priest Mirko Pihler with the base and original glasses incorporated into mask..JPG
Document Casted family of Viktor Gojkovič with the first mask he casted..JPG
Document Death mask of Slovenian Olympic winner Leon Štukelj Mr Gojkovič casted.JPG
Document Situation in atelier, Diferent materials used for casting, wax, bronze, plaster..JPG
Document Sculptor Gojkovič with his deceased family in the backround.JPG
Document Interview, sculptor explaining techniques and situations.JPG
Document Transcript intervju Viktor Gojkovič o praksi izdelovanja posmrtnih mask .docx 2