20170711_MTM_Workshop_blurb_04_WP2andWP4.docx (27.7 KB)
This is the blurb for MTM workshop no 4. WP2 and WP4 (Marion Hamm, Arnd Schneider, Klaus Schönberger). Making sense of field materials. Mobilising ethnographic methods to understand contentious heritage and creative co-production in trans-disciplinary heritage work.
The workshop introduces elements of ethnographic methodology to transform experiences in the TRACES research process into transferrable knowledge.
The workshop introduces elements of ethnographic methodology to transform experiences in the TRACES research process into transferrable knowledge.
The focus of the work in small groups is to flesh out the TRACES concepts contentious heritage and creative co-production.
The workshop relies on real TACES field materials provided by CCPs and associated ethnographers and WPs.