Key Terms & main concepts

We want to use this BC as discussion platform for developing our key terms and main concepts.
Francesca Lanz, WP6 member at TRACES FANZINE 05 — Dear TRACErS,  As I already mentioned, this fanzine has been conceived as a "beacon". Not a dictionary, a glossary, nor a thesaurus (which are meant to provide "definitions"), this fanzine should rather be a tool that brings together selected key concepts emerging from and/or grounding TRACES, wi...
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES Open the floor — Dear TRACERS This BC opens now the next step for a collective “working on terms” and “shaping the concepts and terminologies” of TRACES: Please read, correct, delete, add and comment or link to other texts you already contributed. This BC includes -) working platforms (google docs bellow) base...