Open the floor
This BC opens now the next step for a collective “working on terms” and “shaping the concepts and terminologies” of TRACES: Please read, correct, delete, add and comment or link to other texts you already contributed.
This BC opens now the next step for a collective “working on terms” and “shaping the concepts and terminologies” of TRACES: Please read, correct, delete, add and comment or link to other texts you already contributed.
This BC includes
-) working platforms (google docs bellow) based on a wrap up of MtM and previous discussions on BC. These are open platforms!
-) texts that were already produced in the TRACES contexts
-) WP 6 development of a multivocal glossary for a definition of terms
-) papers from MtM, MtM-conference
The idea is to create an open, collective thinking process that brings together and interlinks some of our research and production experiences and theory based ideas. This process aims to help TRACES to develop analytical approaches collectively and based on our experiences.
Open, working platforms based on MtM and other BC discussions (please add more clusters = more google docs if you feel this is important):
-) 1.1 Defining Contentious Cultural Heritage(s)
-) 1.2 Performing Contentious Cultural Heritage(s)
-) 1.3 Contentious Collections, Objects, Images
-) 3 Reflexive Europeanisation (Europe from the margins, from bellow)
>> whenever you add something in the google docs: Please us "edits become suggestions"
THANKS everyone for contribution!
Explanation Google docs
The first working definitions of contentious cultural heritages were already tried out in the context of BC discussion after the review meeting, started by Sharon.
The first working definitions of contentious cultural heritages were already tried out in the context of BC discussion after the review meeting, started by Sharon.
The working platforms (google docs) are built on 4 sources
- Sharons paper and the brief BC discussion from June (contributions from Suzana, Erica, Aisling, Blaž based on a paper by Sharon, including working definitions)
- The paper Marion presented at the MtM (including working definitions)
- The paper on Reflexive Europeanisation Regina/Marion presented at the MtM
- The minutes (and recordings) and pre-preparations from the MtM, including some workshop discussions, CCP presentations and board members comments
As the idea is also to wrap up the MtM, the minutes were the most relevant source.
WP7 (Gisi, Karin) went over the minutes (and some recordings) and clustered some of the relevant contributions around those concepts that popped up the most.
In the end the material we produced is richer than we might have thought after this exhausting week!
WP7 (Gisi, Karin) went over the minutes (and some recordings) and clustered some of the relevant contributions around those concepts that popped up the most.
In the end the material we produced is richer than we might have thought after this exhausting week!
This is meant as a start > on purpose the Google docs are "construction areas".
We are aware that some of the quotes are out of context and some may be incorrect summaries of contributions and thoughts. Never the less we thought that it might be useful to use some of the MtM statements for the work on our joint terminologies and concepts. Please correct and add whenever you think that you were miss-quoted.
THANK you!
We are aware that some of the quotes are out of context and some may be incorrect summaries of contributions and thoughts. Never the less we thought that it might be useful to use some of the MtM statements for the work on our joint terminologies and concepts. Please correct and add whenever you think that you were miss-quoted.
THANK you!