Administrative Matters

This should be the place where you can easily find the specific infos and where we can discuss administrative issues.

Please upload your financial statement

Due on
Assigned to
Jani Pirnat, CCP3 member at TRACES Jani P. Alenka Pirman, CCP3 member at TRACES Alenka P. Maša Ekar, DRS Maša E.

Comments & Events

Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES
Dear Maša,
I just assigned it to you. I hope you will forgive me ;-). Shall I add Jani/Alenka as well?
Best wishes,
Maša Ekar, DRS
Yes, please add Jani and Alenka s well, thank you :)
Alenka Pirman, CCP3 member at TRACES
Alenka Pirman completed this to-do.