SC Meeting before the Review Meeting
Dear all,
in order to be able to discuss what is going to happen, what info do we have to give, answer open questions on the presentations etc. we suggest to have another SC meeting the week before (= next week).
For this I opened a doodle again, which I want to invite you to fill in:
All my best,
in order to be able to discuss what is going to happen, what info do we have to give, answer open questions on the presentations etc. we suggest to have another SC meeting the week before (= next week).
For this I opened a doodle again, which I want to invite you to fill in:
All my best,
Friday, 12 May 2017 at 10.00 am (CET).
Draft Agenda:
A) Overview on the agenda for the Vienna meeting/all days
Preparation of the presentations, technical issues
morning: Tour (Karin, maybe Tal);
afternoon: brief meeting on the "joint publication aka Manual" and first ideas for the MtM (we suggest that although not everyone will be at the meeting we do it anyway as it is a possibility to talk without skype and to share some ideas on the MtM and the publication. Marion could present the status of the publication/ manual working group and we can discuss next steps. We will take care that we have good minutes of this meeting to share with everyone who is not able to attend.
B) Overview of review meeting: status of presentation?
The review meeting is a lot about comparing the work we have promised in our Description of Action (DoA) and what really has been done so far.
I have marked the passages that are relevant for your presentations in bold letters.
That is why we would like you to follow this structure:
Please use this template for your presentation:
THANK YOU and hear you tomorrow!