Companion Shop Floor

An open space to make an overall TRACES publication. Developing, sharing, discussing, editing, arranging contributions.

Open editorial meeting #2

Due on
Assigned to
Marion Hamm, WP4 member at TRACES Marion H.
Meeting with Marion Hamm and Suzana Milevska, WP1. Invitation to all on central msg board. Results:
Suzana and Marion spent an hour on Skype on a sunny Wednesday afternoon. Some important issues were raised:

Clear editorial responsibilities are crucial to make this publication work. WP4 should clarify editorial responsibilities soon. What is expected from a co-editor? How many co-editors? What exactly would be the function of an editorial board? Who takes which responsibility? 

Clarification is needed on how the contributions from all TRACES units (CCPs and WPs) are going to be credited. Proposed options are individual or group credits, or credits like in a movie. There will be up to 200 contributions, many very short. Some of them will be the result of co-production: Someone comes up with an idea, someone else turns it into a short text, a third person adds an image, a forth person condenses it. How do we deal with this?

TRACES is planning several publications. How do these relate to each other? Proposal to ask for a short outline for each planned publication, and make sure there isn’t too much overlap

The CCPs are bombarded with requests and communications from all WPs. Often, the questions are very similar. How can the WPs coordinate better, maybe share their CCP-related materials?

We also talked about a general sense of anxiety within TRACES – anxiety to miss important information or deadlines, to deliver the deliverables and reports, to answer to requests etc. Let's  hope that the new basecamp will develop as a rather relaxed place, where information can flow casually – along with the collaborative making of a book. Suzana was more sceptical, Marion is pretty optimistic. Let’s see how it pans out. 

Comments & Events

Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES
Gisela Hagmair completed this to-do.