Administrative Matters

This should be the place where you can easily find the specific infos and where we can discuss administrative issues.

Review Report

Dear all,
the commission just sent us our review report!

You can find it here: Review Report.pdf - TRACES – Central Hub
with the accompanying letter on the result of the review: Result of the Review of your H2020 project.pdf - TRACES – Central Hub

Karin Schneider, WP3 member at TRACES 👏

Comments & Events

Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES
Dear all,

we have 30 days for sending our comments on the review report, which means until Tuesday, 25 July. I have now converted the report into a doc file, highlighted passages which (might) need action and assigned these passages to WPs. 

Please have a look at this and a close look at the report whether it contains something you want to comment on. If this is the case please contact me until Thursday, 13 July at the latest - I am going to be on holiday then for a week and only return on the 25 July.

Thank you!