Financial Reporting - additional Infos and clarifications
Dear all who are responsible for the financial reporting amongst you,
all of us got a notification yesterday that we are able to start with our reports. This does not only include the "Technical Report" which is the scientific report we are all working on since December but also the "Financial statement".
You can find my former informations on eligibility of costs etc. here:
I also think it makes sense to postpone the first deadline for one week until the 11 March.
The financial statement has to be filled online. You can find it within the participant portal ( ). If you have any problems to get there or with the login, just get back to me. We will manage together.
In case this has not already happened, you will also have to assign a "participant financial signatory" who is able to submit the statement - finally, when everything is finished:
First you will fill it in and then I will be able to see it as well and we can check it together. When everything is fine, we (= the coordinator) will submit all the financial statements collectively to the EU.
When you open it, you will be asked to fill in the sums of the cost categories. On the right hand side there is a symbol where you are able to fill in some further information, like of which subsums the given sum is composed of and further details on what has been paid.
1. Personnel costs
Please indicate the staff category (junior/senior researcher, PhD, secretary, teacher, etc.)/ name of key staff members to establish clear links to the Annex I (description of Work). NB! Please indicate Person months for each person and for each WP separately.
all of us got a notification yesterday that we are able to start with our reports. This does not only include the "Technical Report" which is the scientific report we are all working on since December but also the "Financial statement".
You can find my former informations on eligibility of costs etc. here:
I also think it makes sense to postpone the first deadline for one week until the 11 March.
The financial statement has to be filled online. You can find it within the participant portal ( ). If you have any problems to get there or with the login, just get back to me. We will manage together.
In case this has not already happened, you will also have to assign a "participant financial signatory" who is able to submit the statement - finally, when everything is finished:
First you will fill it in and then I will be able to see it as well and we can check it together. When everything is fine, we (= the coordinator) will submit all the financial statements collectively to the EU.
When you open it, you will be asked to fill in the sums of the cost categories. On the right hand side there is a symbol where you are able to fill in some further information, like of which subsums the given sum is composed of and further details on what has been paid.
1. Personnel costs
Please indicate the staff category (junior/senior researcher, PhD, secretary, teacher, etc.)/ name of key staff members to establish clear links to the Annex I (description of Work). NB! Please indicate Person months for each person and for each WP separately.
[How to convert the productive hours into Person Months
In case you use the - from the EU - proposed standard divisor (= 1720 h per
year), you simply divide your hours per WP through (1720:12=) 143,34]
In case you use the - from the EU - proposed standard divisor (= 1720 h per
year), you simply divide your hours per WP through (1720:12=) 143,34]
Example: WP2 [NAME of staff member], researcher, 2,1 PM
Example: WP3 [NAME of staff member], associate professor, 2,1 PM
Example: WP3 [NAME of staff member], associate professor, 2,1 PM
2. other direct costs
a) Traveling costs: Please indicate name of staff members having travelled, the destination, the date of trip, and the purpose of the journey in relation to TRACES.
Example Kick-off Meeting: TRAVELING, Reimbursement to [NAME of staff member] for attending TRACES Kick-off Meeting, Klagenfurt, 9 - 11 May 2016.
Example other: TRAVELING, Reimbursement to [NAME of staff member] for his/her trip to [CONFERENCE & CITY] for presenting TRACES, [DATE].
b) Equipment, other goods and services:
b) Equipment, other goods and services:
- if indicated in the DoA – please provide a simple reference to the DoA
- if not indicated in the DoA – please provide cost/amount per item, description of the item, nature of item (travel, equipment, other goods & services), work package(s), project relevance/explanation
Explanations have to be given for the biggest sums only, see the example below:
- Personnel costs: €100 000
Other directs costs: €35 000 - Since the other direct costs represent 35% of the personnel costs, you must justify an amount representing 20% of the personnel costs, i.e. €20,000.
If the €35 000 is the sum of items recorded in the accounts (e.g. €8 500 + €7 500 + €6 500 + €5 500 + €4 000 + 3 x €1 000)...
... you must list and justify the items €8 500, €7 500 and €6 500. - The remaining amount (a total of €12 500) is less than 15% of the personnel costs, so no details are required for it.
3. Indirect costs
p.39 in the Model Grant Agreement (AGA, V2.2):
"new in Horizon 2020: Accounting documentation is necessary only for direct costs. Indirect costs do not need supporting evidence because they are declared using a flat-rate."
All the best for the reports,
All the best for the reports,

thanks for all your help
thanks for your help :-)!
as deadlines are approaching: Could you please fill in at least the drafts into the participant portal until Friday, 31 March 2017!
Following partners have not filled in any numbers up to now:
- UBER (the draft was promised until Friday though)
- UiO
For those who already feel that everything is fine with their FS: You can already lock for review. My collegue Barbara Pöcher from the research department in Klagenfurt and I are going to check the FSs for plausibility then next week.
Thank you very much!
sorry but changes on the research fellow position require a review a our FS. I do not think we'll be ready within friday but we'll try our best.