H2020-template-time sheet_M1-M12.xls
(96 KB)
This version fixed the issue with February 2017
This template contains everything needed on information demanded by the EC. Please feel free to use it.
Everyone being paid by TRACES, where the costs are going to be claimed under "Personnel costs" has to fill in such a time-sheet. You have to fill in an overview on the work you did for the several work packages and they should be signed monthly.
Information included in time-sheets must match records of annual leave, sick leave, other leaves and work-related travel.
In case of questions, please don't hesitate to ask me!
This template contains everything needed on information demanded by the EC. Please feel free to use it.
Everyone being paid by TRACES, where the costs are going to be claimed under "Personnel costs" has to fill in such a time-sheet. You have to fill in an overview on the work you did for the several work packages and they should be signed monthly.
Information included in time-sheets must match records of annual leave, sick leave, other leaves and work-related travel.
In case of questions, please don't hesitate to ask me!
Comments & Events

Gisi - will these timesheets be submitted once annually to the EC?

They will not be submitted. You have to keep them for the case of a second level audit (= an audit from the EU within two years after the project has finished). But then they will check whether you have hours on days where you were ill or on annual leave or similar, or on a conference for another project, so it is advisable to fill them in regularly and stick to the truth as much as possible.

Perfect, thank you!

Thank you, Gisi, so helpful! Have a nice carnival season!