Steering Committee

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Steering Committee

Dear Steering Committee members,

I have closed the doodle now and the SC will take place on

Friday, 13 April 2018 at 12 am CET (Vienna time).

As we are in the last and final year of TRACES, so it is time to start the working-process on general conclusions. They should be formed by both theory based terminologies and practice based experiences alike. This work on general TRACES concepts and terms is also of greater importance as the reviewers asked us to develop general concepts out of the local experiences. This goes together with the Board Members suggestion of developing a “set of values”. The SC members need to organise this process. That’s why this SC meeting takes some time to discuss how to organise the process of conclusion building. A starting point was Francesca´s work on the glossary and the MtM based Basecamp.

Thank you and best wishes,


  1. FOCUS: Working on overall TRACES concepts and terms (about 20 minutes)
According the advice of the reviewers, we need to further develop our key-terms for different audiences and we need to shape them out of the local experiences.

We tried to connect some insights and statements from the MtM with our general key terms and concepts to provide an open discussion platform. We need to edit these files and to include more experiences from the CCP research. 

Please take your time to read these BC documents before the SC meeting, as these are the basis for the discussion. 

The SC needs to decide:
  • How can we bring together local CCP experiences to develop more general, trans-local concepts?
  • How can we include CCPs in the discussion on theory building and terminologies (most of the CCPs are extremely busy now with their exhibitions etc but also very interested in the building of concepts and terminologies)
  • How will we use/include texts already written and discussions on BC already started (Sharons text after the review meeting and the discussion on BC)?
  • Who will be responsible for what part of the concept production? (this should be in alignment with the general research interest of every WP; it would be very helpful if every SC member takes the responsibility for one term/concept so that we share the work)
  • What is the next step?
The aim is to develop general, maybe multi-vocal, practice-led concepts and definition of terms such as contentious heritage, co-production, the role of objects/collections, Europeanisation, conflict learning and heritage communities,… the outcome can be used as basic texts for common publications, policy papers, and TRACES reports.

    2.  Further points (30 minutes)
Francesca Lanz, WP6 member at TRACES 👏
Anna Szoeke, WP5 member, CCP4 team member at TRACES 👏

Comments & Events

Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES
Dear all,

please find here a proposal for a slightly updated agenda for tomorrows SC:


  1. Final results
    a) final events and publication contributions
  • final conference: is thought to be for a bigger audience and each WP, each CCP is meant to present their results => Francesca
  • Companion/Suzanas catalogue/Arnds publication: during the last Companion skype it was promised to give clear information on what the CCPs are expected to deliver, so that it is also clear for them which contents are the same, which differ.
    => Brief report on the progress of the companion

    b) FOCUS: Working on overall TRACES concepts and terms (about 20 minutes)
According the advice of the reviewers, we need to further develop our key-terms for different audiences and we need to shape them out of the local experiences.

We tried to connect some insights and statements from the MtM with our general key terms and concepts to provide an open discussion platform. We need to edit these files and to include more experiences from the CCP research. 

Please take your time to read these BC documents before the SC meeting, as these are the basis for the discussion. 

The SC needs to decide:
  • How can we bring together local CCP experiences to develop more general, trans-local concepts?
  • How can we include CCPs in the discussion on theory building and terminologies (most of the CCPs are extremely busy now with their exhibitions etc but also very interested in the building of concepts and terminologies)
  • How will we use/include texts already written and discussions on BC already started (Sharons text after the review meeting and the discussion on BC)?
  • Who will be responsible for what part of the concept production? (this should be in alignment with the general research interest of every WP; it would be very helpful if every SC member takes the responsibility for one term/concept so that we share the work)
  • What is the next step?
The aim is to develop general, maybe multi-vocal, practice-led concepts and definition of terms such as contentious heritage, co-production, the role of objects/collections, Europeanisation, conflict learning and heritage communities,… the outcome can be used as basic texts for common publications, policy papers, and TRACES reports.

    2.  Further points (30 minutes)
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES
Dear all,

I add here the minutes from today.

As I had a small technical problem, it did not record properly, but Marion and I had taken rough minutes, so it would be great if you could check the minutes and correct/comment if necessary. I will draft a proposal on basis of these records on how to proceed with the "final cross-project outcome". I also want to check the grant agreement (= more or less our proposal) and extract the open questions we promised to answer.

Thank you for your help!

Best and have a nice week-end
Karin Schneider, WP3 member at TRACES 👏
Francesca Lanz, WP6 member at TRACES 👏
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES
Hi everybody,

can you please give me a brief feed-back on the draft above until tomorrow noon, if possible, because then I would like to share the minutes with the rest of the consortium. 

Thank you and all the best,
Francesca Lanz, WP6 member at TRACES
Hi Gisi,
the minutes are fine for me. 
The conversation focused on the companion, that's good, and I could not report on the meeting with the PO. 
She was quite happy with the fanzine and the video, as well as with the new Download area and the "event Page". However once again she stressed the need to:

a) use TRACES corporate image
b) respect EU rules when communicating and dissmienation (logos, disclaimer, etc)
c) report and record also local impact (everyone must keep WP6 updated about both MINOR and MAJOR activities as well any interaction with media, policy makers etc. also at local level (jurnal article, interviews ,etc). this si very important.

IF POSSIBLE i'd like to fix a quick disemiantion update via skype with TRACES partners: can we do this?
thank you
Gisela Hagmair, WP7, TRACES Administrator at TRACES
Hi Francesca,
thank you for the feedback and the brief update. For me dissemination update sounds good! 