Companion Concept #2 shared
In workshop 5 at the mid-term meeting, we decided together about the name of the shared TRACES publication: Contentious Heritages and Arts - A Critical Companion. We also had a round to collect ideas and possible contributions from everyone. These statements of intent, together with ideas from other TRACES communications, are the basis of the still preliminary companion concept #2, which was presented for discussion on the central hub today. We have now six main chapters:
- Introduction and research settings
- Concepts
- TRACES Model: Creative Co Production
- Practices of Articulation
- Transmission/ Audiences
- Europe - a contested framework
The headings are not perfect yet, and many possible contributions are ideas rather than realities. The gist of the possible contributions indicates that the book will present settings - experiences - practices. In Klagenfurt, we thought about the possibility to frame some TRACES findings as How-To's or recipes - but this does not really suit the way the teams are working. So now we're happily awaiting feedback on the new concept.